This story will have 10 chapters at first.
It is not ending with the 10th so it will be continued.
All chapters are supported with pictures and animations.
Please excuse the not-so-perfect english.
In the last 3 chapters, some pictures are missing. I still need to create them.

Dienstag, 26. April 2011

Chapter Two - Day One

...something happened- some changes took place.
As he woke up, he still felt all dizzy, much too dizzy to realize what had happened.
He once more turned around and pulled himself together...
...before he finally stepped out of his bed.
He was immediately dazzled by the bright light of the morning sun.
Like a drunk he stumbled towards the bathroom.
After a few minutes, his eyes relaxed, and he could put his arm away from them. He wanted to take a bath, as every morning, which automatically filled in time-controlled. Right before he wanted to enter the bath tub, 
He sensed that something was very wrong. There must be a reason why he is feeling so dizzy. He also wasn't able to see his feet. 
He stumbled towards the mirror as he stopped really shocked in front of it.
What on earth was this? Was that him? Was that strange figure looking at him through the mirror really himself??? There were thousands of thoughts running through his head at this very moment. 
'What am I going to do now?' 'How am I gonna prove that I am myself?' 'How can this even be possible?' 'Was it her?' 'Was it her because I pretended to be a girl?' 'Okay what to do next?' 
Instantly, his head cleared up, and he wasn't feeling dizzy any longer. 
As his thoughts continued, he sagged towards ground...
He wasn't only depressed. He was absolutely desperate. He was ugly. This ugly tattoo now looked horrifying. It was a violation to the skin. For half an hour he just sat there right in front of the mirror trying to clean up his mind.
He needed a plan what to do next. Of course he needed something to put on- he couldn't stay nude.
As Ronald began to rummage around his cupboards for clothes, he noticed that his body changed much more than he thought at first. After sifting through almost all the clothes he had, he finally found something that fit his new figure. He sat down onto a sofa.
And again, those thoughts returned.
He was almost crying. He realized that all money of the world cannot make one happy, when there are real problems.
The only thing that kept him from total depression was.. well what was it? He didn't really know.

What next?
He looked around looking for inspirations.
He looked at himself, or now to be more precise, herself.
The tattoo. 'I need to get rid of this tattoo' he thought. 'The pain of the laser will at least distract me a bit'.

He got going to the tattoo studio where he had been tattooed.

´It wasn't morning anymore. The sun stood high up in the sky burning on his skin as he
walked down the streets. Just yesterday, as he went to the restaurant, he recognized that nature, especially the park he crossed felt really good in crossing by in diversion to the house he spent at least 99% of his time before. As today, the park was a real experience. What were just some unimportant plants yesterday, were a paradise for his eyes in the moment he walked through.
Deeply impressed he only slowly walked on.
He wondered, how he could ever have denied the beauty of the nature, especially the beauty of the fall.

As in addition to that, the sunbeams warmed up his face, after a small sheep-like cloud released the sun, he felt very, very comfortable for the first time again.
As in addition to that, the sunbeams warmed up his face, after a small sheep-like cloud released the sun, he felt very very comfortable for the first time again.
What a pity that this didn't last for longer cause as he left the park and walked on the street again to finally reach the studio, the real life problems crushed down on him again.
As he reached the studio, he didn't waste much time to get inside. He talked to the tattooist and asked for a laser therapy. There was a new, but expensive offer to laser it within only one session.
Ronald agreed and paid cash. A little surprised, the tattooist prepared him and took him to the chair, where the lasering was made.
To Ronald's bad luck, there was no pain, as the tattooist began with the procedure.
After the first run over the arm, the tattooist asked Ronald to take his shirt off.
He never had a problem doing that when he was a boy, but now... something changed. He felt uncomfortable with the thought of his breasts hanging free in this room where everyone could come in and see it. As there was no way to laser the tattoo without putting the shirt off, he finally eased off.
The procedure took the whole afternoon.
After he finished and his skin was still burning from the laser, which was definitely not the pain he wanted, he went off home.
Once again, he walked through the park to enjoy the fall and especially the way the sun fall made the leaves glow golden.
As he finally returned home, he sat down onto his sofa again.
He was confused-so totally confused. The experiences he made at this one single day were too much for his brain. The best thing to do would be to distract himself, he thought.
Well but how? How could you not think about being transformed into the other gender on the same day it happened? How could you not think about stripping off in front of a tattooist? How could you not think of the beautiful park, that suddenly totally mixed up your feelings?
Well the answer was easy: Melatonin (a sleeping pill)
What a beautiful sleep...

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Thank you for reading this chapter.

I need to inform you, that I currently have problems with getting the actors and actress I need to work with me. So in the worst case chapter 10 and following won't be supported by pics at first.