This story will have 10 chapters at first.
It is not ending with the 10th so it will be continued.
All chapters are supported with pictures and animations.
Please excuse the not-so-perfect english.
In the last 3 chapters, some pictures are missing. I still need to create them.

Dienstag, 26. April 2011

Chapter One - Invitation

Chapter One - Invitation
Ronald, sole heir of a huge electro-company, was not the son his father desired. After his father had been missed for more than two years, the judges pronounced him dead. On the same day Ronald inherited the company, he sold it for more than 300 million dollars. The first thing he bought was a huge villa cheaping out nothing. As everything was buyable with money, there was one desire left where all his money was quite useless. Ronald was longing for his real love. He did not want a wife who would only love him for his money and popularity. He wanted to find someone, who loved his inside, his soul. 
However, how to find this one; this only one person?

October, 1st, 2011 
Ronald had the idea. He found a way he could hide his identity and at the same time flirt with other women. If there was really one person loving his soul, everything else shouldn't matter. 
He made up an identity of a young woman of the same age, but the rest was different. 
After searching the Internet for single dating agencies for about half an hour, he finally found one matching his ideas.

'That's it!' he thought.
He signed up and logged in.
As expected, he had to pay a little fee to enable the premium stuff-not that problem.
It took two days of chatting and flirting before a chat lasted more than three hours, but this current one with 'Lara' already lasted nine. Both really had fun chatting, enjoyed it and finally planned a date in a restaurant a few streets from Ronald's new home. Ronald didn't think about any conflict the false
identity could cause. 'If someone truly loves me that way', he thought,' this really should not matter'.

October, 3rd, 2011
Ronald dressed up in the same clothes he wore during the chat, newly washed, of course.
He was nervous, but he didn't know why. 'It is just a date isn't it?' he thought. He went off.
It wasn't that late, 6 pm maybe, as he arrived at the restaurant.
It was a red one, with a huge facade, several levels high. He was really impressed. The growling lions at the gate were made of marble. Several columns raised high up to the third floor.
Slowly, he stepped inside. A young help took his coat: 'Jana, I suppose?' she asked.- How could she know? The entire restaurant was empty. There was not one other person. 'Maybe I am the only guest this evening' he thought 'She didn't really reserve the whole restaurant, didn't she.' Ronald nodded.
The young help escorted him to a seat.
He waited. About half an hour passed. In the meantime, a waitress served some glasses of red juice to another table, where no one was sitting. ' A little warm up?' she asked as she stood behind the bar. 
'Someone already ordered it for you.' she said pointing at the table at the other side of the room. 
'Why not.' he answered and went over to the other table. 
It was a dark juice, smelling strange. He didn't know what it was. This couldn't be poison so why not taste it.
'What a strange 'warm up'' Ronald thought, as he noticed the quite large amount of alcohol inside. 
He waited two hours. She really must have forgotten him, but who else reserved the whole restaurant and paid for the 'warm up'? 
He went home. It was already late now, so he was too tired to walk and also felt quite dizzy. 
He called for a taxi. 
Arriving home, he already felt better but still a little lightheaded. He crushed down onto the soft carpet to turn on his laptop again.
Why the hell was she online? 'She really must have missed it.' he thought. As he began to chat, this theory came true. She excused several times and promised that she would make up for it. 'Well whatever' he thought before he led the chat to an end because he felt much too tired to continue. He turned the laptop off and undressed.
He thought he was dying as he finally threw himself onto the bed and fell asleep the very next second.
He slept very well, as during his sleep.....

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Thank you for reading this chapter.

I need to inform you, that I currently have problems with getting the actors and actress I need to work with me. So in the worst case chapter 10 and following won't be supported by pics at first.